The final show of the Gustavus season, as well as a huge alumni reunion to celebrate 75 years of Theatre at the college, and the retirement of a legendary theatre professor, Rob Gardner. Amy Seham directed, the set was student designed by Melissa Friebe, and lighting was designed by Sarah Leigh. I designed the costumes, and alum Jenny Kelly returned to do make up and hair. She also took these fabulous photographs.
Miranda (Emily Coussens) listens to Prosperpo (Rob Gardner) tell their history.
The island world belongs to Caliban (Brian Evans), and includes Ariel (Alissa Paris Gilbert, with Ferdinand, Matt Dittes).
The court world, guilty or complicit in Prospero's expulsion from Milan by his usurping brother, are stranded on the island by the Tempest. Here, that brother, Antonio (Evan Hilsabeck) wakes regicide in Sebastian (Adam Butler)....
Prospero, who knows everything on the island, leads the court through trials with the help of Ariel -- the Harpy calls King Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonis "three men of sin" ...this was an awesome effect with the spirits as wings and a beak...