Wednesday, July 13, 2005


("where my thoughts are keepin...")
i'll be home labor day weekend!
i'm coming in late on the 1st of september, i'll be there until the 6th... jodie's wedding is the 4th, and that's the reason i'll be back. it feels so good to know i'll be back before the year is up, i can't tell you.
on the here front, we opened the diary of anne frank last night. it's beautiful, i'm so proud of this one. it's really a relief given the way the first half of the season has gone.... i can't believe we're only here another four weeks. jacob has a job interview in st. louis next week, which will hopefully yield a great job with a school district in a nearby suburb as a sound a/v guy, with free lance design opportunities.
i, on the other hand, don't have any plans after the season is up on the 9th. i'm apartment hunting this weekend, hoping for an address to call my own. i'm surfing for jobs, holding my breath, starting to wonder about a day job. remember that time i swore i wouldn't do anything that wasn't design? heh.
so there's the to all, talk to you soon

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