Saturday, November 05, 2005

signs that it's cold and will be colder...

* squirrels have recently tripled in size. i swear i saw one take down a yorkshire terrier yesterday.
* you can see your breath until NOON (but you're so cool that you're still wearing a heavy sweater, scarf and cap, no coat)
* you can judge the hour by the shade and tone of the grey sky, you suddenly have the impression that you haven't seen any blue in days and days.
* it gets dark at five o'clock. (ok, not yet...the sun goes down at 5 though)
* you spend a pre-apportioned chunk of pay check on boots and do a little happy dance when tells you you've been randomly selected for faster shipping.

ok, that list seems weak. i'll work on it. have to run now, but find some sunshine and send it to me!!!!

1 comment:

Jenne said...

wow, those are some serious boots!