however, i wasn't scrubbing toilets or flipping burgers, and i could appreciate that. i renewed my relationship with my iPod (tho it turns out dj spree is NOT conducive to repetitive spelling activities). i met some people i wouldn't have met otherwise (thinly veiled euphamism), and then on friday they found someone else to do the job. and i was relieved in some ways, but had hoped to find something else on my own first. however, the second of the two weeks i had this job was also tech for SCAPIN (photos below), which meant 8 hours of that, 2 hours to do 4-5 hours of work/errands, driving to st. paul for rehearsal and coming home at 11:30 to get up at 5:30 and start over. boooooo. no time to look for other work.
so that friday, after being told i'd been replaced, i came straight here to the coffee house and started checking craigslist. there's an upscale chinese restaraunt three blocks from my place looking for day shifts --i went straight there. grubby jeans, hat on my head (turns out this cute new haircut is more high maintnence than working that early in the morning would allow), no restaraunt experience. boom, here i am. had a good conversation with the woman chef/owner on friday and a great conversation with her on sunday. tonight and tomorrow nights i'll start training. it's minimum wage for 15-20 hours of training and then host starts at 8, plus the servers tip out to the cashier, host, and kitchen. could go up to 10-15.... i'm genuinely excited...the idea of making some one's meal experience pleasant and memorable is really attractive to me, and the owner (tammy) and i definitely got good impressions of each other. so that's cool.
on wednesday night, the costume shop manager from colorado shakespeare called:
"andrea, it's lee dumbrowski, how are you?"
"(laugh) well, i have to be at dress rehearsal in 12 minutes and i haven't figured out what i'm eating for dinner yet"
"hahahah... i know how that goes"
so we talked on thursday morning and she gave me the weekend to consider her offer --monday morning i called back and confirmed that i will be the painter/dyer for the 2006 season at colorado. not the assistant, not the apprentice, THE painter/dyer. the season is THE TEMPEST, AS YOU LIKE IT, & MERCHANT OF VENICE. the designer for TEMPEST uses a lot of paint techniques for (i guess) texture and highlight and shadow, but lee assures me that she's very hands on and will demonstrate how do what she wants. the other two will be more straightforward (dyeing to match...which is actually rarely simple, making something purple that was red, etc).
i am very very very excited and thrilled and you get the idea. i've wanted to be in colorado since... i guess since i was in the rockies in 2003 with laurie and dave and their friends. ROADTRIP! BOULDER OR BUST!
here's some SCAPIN.... it's a great, timeless commedia story, modern translation of Moliere....
(apologies, apologies, now that i've got the whole thing loaded i realized you'll have to turn your head 90degrees because i didn't rotate the images. so sorry....if i go back and fix it now i'll never get the rest of my day done)
there are these two old tightwads, who each have a son and a servant (stay with me, here, Argante's family is in cool colors and Geronte's is in warm, you can't get lost)

and each of the sons loves a girl their fathers don't approve of....

Hyacinth (in brown, beloved of Octave, who turns out to be Geronte's daughter) and Zerbinette (in black, who turns out to be the long lost child of Argante)
so the servants, Scapin the schemer (in the brown) and Silvestre -not so bright, but easily beguiled into playing along (in the blue) embark on a big adventure of tricks and schemes (including putting one of the old men in a bag and beating him with nerf's priceless)

and, as "a comedy requires" it all ends well... couples married, Scapin married off to Hyacinth's serving woman
Nerine (who enters periodically as a mystery woman looking for "Signore Pandolfe"-- Geronte's alias), and the fathers happy.

Leandre the Scrub and Zerbinette the Gypsy Girl (mysterious and sexy Nerine in the background)

Octave the Stylish and his lovely Hyacinth
1 comment:
That is fantastic news!!!! I wish I were out west instead of east! And Scapin looks wonderful. I'll send off an email later....but for those of you who post here that I know, I'm still in VA at the Barter, and have given verbal agreement for two more seasons...we'll see how that goes.:)
Your life sounds fabulous Drea, very exciting and rewarding, and crazy and creative :) Thanks for sending your blog link.
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