Monday, January 09, 2006

from blue skies to blue skies....

from 50 degrees to 30...not that bad, all things considered.
from potholes to potholes and from too much going on to too much to do. and that's about where the similarities between california and minneapolis end...
it was a trip. a certifiable time...
thai food, good visits, shakin it in san jo and san francisco (peter's fabled pink lives up to its reputation for fine beats in a totally unpretentious atmosphere), christmas decorations, warm meals and great wine with friends from far and wide, RAIN, getting to show jacob my "natural habitat" (although it's been rightly stated that i don't have a natural habitat), the redwoods, the coast, the tidepools, the food, the reconnecting with long losts, the champagne toasts and new years kisses without the miles between, the arranging of sofa beds in the RAIN, the magic of sea ranch (where we're all adolescent, for better and worse, no matter how close to thirty we get), more thai food, bellying up to the bar at the peso drinking birthday jaeger with maya, willie brown at the globe and guiness creme brulee, pancakes and grilled cheese on a saturday....
happy new year

1 comment:

Taramata said...

Sounds like quite a time! Yooohoooo!!! to you girl! Welcome back, been thinking about you.