Sunday, January 29, 2006

not a rhetorical question. also, not a weather report

(altought outside the window a small terrier just went by wearing booties).

ok, here's the question, for survey, debate, or conversation....
what's the deal with the pressure you put on yourself?

do you find yourself hung up about where you are with your life or what you're doing in a moment or a friendship, and upon further inspection discover that the only reason you're angsty is because of some internal expectation or pressure?
and when that happens, and you acknowledge that it's a pressure or expectation of your own making, does it go away? and if not, why not? how is it that acknowledgement isn't enough to bring peace?


1 comment:

andrea said...

yeah... it's the rewiring that concerns me as it seems like an...inefficient (and potentially messy) way to go about it. i think meditation would help, if i could master finding the time to do it. i know that kind of peace should be self-fulfilling, like the more you practice it the more there is, but i'm workin on it. i don't know