Tuesday, December 13, 2005

wrapping up

man, it's like a vacuum in here. for weeks the hive activity of exams has made it hard to find a seat in this cafe, and almost harder to draw a deep breath. today they must all be in classrooms expelling their knowledge, as it's wide open and chatty in my neighborhood caffinated office.
i've been busy getting ready to come home california on thursday, but not nearly as busy as this time of year usually finds me. i've an interview tonight, and a production mtg i've been busily designing for tomorrow night. found a technique with photoshop that i love and am very excited about.
the weather's been warmer recently, today it was 31 when i got up so i walked to the post office instead of driving. it's a little less than an hour round trip, and it felt good to do something outside besides scrape off my car and get in it. we're supposed to get 10 inches of snow by friday, but as long as it doesn't interfere with my plane i don't care.
let it snow!
let blow!
i'm going home where my toes will be warm!
anybody need anything, want anything, remember something i told you i'd bring with me? better let me know fast and hope there's room for it in the as yet unpacked duffle bag....

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

and, it's BELOW ZERO

at 11 am. with beautiful blue skies and lovely sunshine.
but none the less, it's below zero.

things are going reasonably well, a possible contract dispute is reportedly being worked out, and i'll be home for christmas soon. i mailed my applications to utah shakes and santa fe opera today, for summer employment. that at least makes me feel like i'm doing something for my self.
i have two shows lined up in the spring, one paying, one not (but so funny.... a modern translation of moliere's SCAPIN that is just clever and witty and rocks). and other than that i'm looking for income, trying to figure out what to do about the state of things here.
right now i think i'm placing unreasonable hope on the fact that when i come back in january the days won't be so short. yeah, that should fix everything.